Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Friday, August 08, 2008


The Olympics started today and the girls and I watched the opening ceremonies. Roger had to work tonight, so he missed it. Jena is at an age where she is starting to understand things and really enjoyed watching the performances. She is also looking forward to watching swimming and gymnastics. She thinks it is really cool that the Olympics are in China this year because there is a show she watches about a little girl from China.
This is the first Olympics for both girls, and like so many things in their short lives, they do not understand the significance of this Olympics. And I know they won't remember watching it with me. But I will, and I will remember Jena's reactions to the things she sees. She is two, which is how old I was during the first Olympics of my time. I'm not sure if I watched it, coverage then was not what it is like today.

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