Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

10 months!

Lily is 10 months old today! She is really on the move, crawling everywhere and starting to pull up on things. She is now competition for Jena's toys, which does not make Jena happy. But for the most part they get along really well and are starting to "play" together. They really do love to be together. Lily now has 8 teeth! Jena had 2 at this point, so it has been a different experience. She also LOVES to eat. My friend Tina watched the girls for us recently and asked where Lily put everything she eats since she is so small.

For those of you who have asked, we are still working on Jena's potty training. We have good days and bad ones. She hasn't had a completely dry day yet. We still run about 2 or 3 accidents a day. Today has not been a good day as she has had two accidents already. Not sure what is going on there. I am worried because she is supposed to start gymnastics this afternoon, but she can't go if she is still having major accidents. So we will see how it goes this afternoon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Prayers needed

If you look over to the side of this blog to the about it, it says Roger and I were introduced by a mutual friend. Some of you know that story, but for those of you who don't his name is Kirk. Kirk ran Cross Country and Track with Roger and sat by me in homeroom for 3 years. We all had a class together our senior year of high school, which is when Roger and I met. I guess you could say Kirk started it all and that is something that we are grateful for.

We found out a little while ago that Kirk's dad has cancer. It was in his kidney, which they took out. He has been undergoing chemo for the cancer and that has damaged his other kidney. They have been doing dialysis but today said it won't bring the kidney back. The cancer has spread and he is too weak for a transplant. They have given him 2-4 weeks to live. Please remember Kirk and his family in your prayers. This is going to be a difficult time for them and they will need strength.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Potty Training Boot Camp

Yesterday, I tried a Potty training boot camp for Jena. That is, a day in nothing but underwear. I've done this before, let's face it I've tried it all. But after about 4 hours, Jena would be wet or worse, crying and begging for a pull up. She does okay in the pull ups, about 75% of the time she goes. But she has not wanted to wear underwear too much. And lately she has been getting lazy, only going potty after she has already gone in the pull up.

So yesterday I asked her is she wanted to try the underwear and she said yes. Major turning point! I'd have to say, despite the 6 pairs of underwear we went through yesterday, it was a success. She went through about 4 pairs by lunch, but after that she only went through 2 until bed time. And, today she asked if she could wear them to school! Victory! I'm not sure how she will do today but she usually does pretty good at school. So, I sent her to school with an extra set of clothes to supplement the set she already has there. And let her teachers know that we were flying without a pull up on. So, we will see how it goes. No calls yet from the school, so far so good.

So, keep your fingers crossed. We have been going at this for over a year now and it has been a struggle. But we just keep plugging along and maybe soon I won't have to buy two sets of diapers anymore.