Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Monday, March 31, 2008

What a weekend!

Usually March is Augusta is quite and rainy. Not much goes on except for preparing for the Masters Tournament. This year, the ASU Men's basketball team decided to shake things up. After a fantastic run, they found themselves in the NCAA Division II Finals! Going to a small school, we never expect things like this to happen. Sure, Georgia and Georgia Tech make it to the big time alot and are always on TV, but to see the Jags on TV! It was like a dream. In the end they fell to Winona State, but what a game. By sheer luck, Jena and I were home for the weekend and got caught up in the excitement. We were even on the evening news because they were at the bookstore filming when I went to buy Jena an ASU shirt.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh What a Night!

ASU won last night over Alaska 56 to 50. Jena and I were able to go to campus in watch in since we are in Augusta for the weekend. It was very exciting and even Jena got into it. They play again on Saturday at 2:30 pm. The game will be shown on CBS.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March Madness in Augusta

The ASU Men's Basketball team plays in the Elite 8 tourney in Springfield, Mass today.


They are playing Central Oklahoma starting right about now. Go JAGS!

Update: The Jags won 106 to 104 in Double OT.

They play Alaska-Anchorage tomorrow at 6 pm!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter

Sorry to post these late. We had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to our friends the Nelsons for an Easter lunch and Sunday we had our dinner here and were able to spend time with our friend Erin who stopped on her way back to DC from Augusta.

Dyeing eggs
Hunting for Eggs

Piper and Quinn

Caden, Jack, Piper, Jena, Luke, Quinn
He left me a Basket!
The Easter Bunny was here!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Match Day

I just wanted to say Happy Match Day to our 4th year medical school friends. Today is the day that 4th year medical students all across the country find out where they will be going for their residencies. So, Good Luck everyone!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Never judge someone until you have walked in her moccasins

A while back I read a post of Army wife who writes for the paper here. Even though it was a bit harsh from my stand point, I felt she had valid points. It was about comments she hated to hear as an Army wife. http://www.fayobserver.com/blog/comments?bid=16&eid=6303
For the most part, these comments are made by well meaning people who are trying to express concern or console. I have heard some of these comments before myself, when Roger was in Korea in 1995. So I know where she is coming from.

The same could be said for many things. I have been guilty myself. People often make comments/judgements about someones situation without truly knowing what that person is going through. I have often thought of list of comments I could put together from comments I have heard. Either as an Army wife, a medical wife or a "stay at home" mom. ( I put that in quotes because I feel I am never at home!) But I am sure we all could based on our situation. The point is we should think about what we are saying, no matter how well meaning, about situation we don't understand.

Someone once told me if we all sat down together in a circle and all put our problems in middle. We would, after seeing others problems, most likely pick up our own again. We all have problems and we all have stress. So remember, it only seems like the grass is greener on the other side.

So that said, here are some of my "favorite" comments I've heard over the years.

1. "Must be nice to be able to stay at home. " I must I have been guilty of this one before I had kids. Yes, it is nice to be with Jena everyday. But it is hard work, harder than I ever imagined. And while with an outside job you leave at the end of the day, this is a 24 hour thing. You can never stop being a parent, at home or not.

2. "Do you miss work? You were so good at your job." Like only people who were bad at their jobs would ever decided to stay home with there kids.

3. "You are so lucky to be married to a doctor." I have a good life, but it is a hard one. Roger's hours are a big part of that. After listening to Jena cry tonight for her daddy as I put her to bed alone, I longed for a job that would allow Roger to be home more. 80 hours a week gets old really fast.

4. "Does he really work that much?" Yes, he does. And that doesn't count the time he spends studying/working at home. And no, watching him read doesn't really constitute spending time together.

5. "Being a doctor in the Army is not like being in the regular Army." True, but that doesn't mean it is easier. Roger doesn't do PT because at 6 am he is already at work seeing patients. He still has to pass a PT test, even though he doesn't have time to do weekly PT. This is actually a disadvantage.

6. "People in the Army know what they are getting into when they sign up." I don't think anyone knows exactly what goes on in a war zone until they go. And no one had anticipated the amount of deployments and lengths of time these people would have to spend there. Add to that the people that are not being allow to leave at the end of their "commitment" and I definately think we are outside of what they "signed up" for.

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone. I know some people out there celebrated Friday because this is also Holy Week and some American Catholic churches "moved" the Church holiday this year. But since I am not Catholic, we are celebrating today. Interesting note, in Ireland they are also celebrating today.


Hard to believe we were there just a year ago.

March has been busy for us, lots of birthday parties and next week is Easter. Jena went to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday. She really liked "finding" the eggs. It was really great to watch. She really is growing up fast. Yesterday she pointed at a picture of herself and said "That's Jena wearing sunglasses and a hat!" It really surprised us because she hasn't put together a long sentence yet and she usually refers to herself as "baby" in pictures.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Augusta State is in the news again. They are hosting the NCAA Division II Men's South Atlantic Regional. It is this weekend though, so I won't be able to make the trip down. The ASU men's is the No. 2 seed for the tourney. GO JAGS! The women's team is also making a trip to the Women's South Atlantic Regional in Florance, SC. What a weekend for the boys and girls in BLUE! GO JAGS!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Jena

Jena March 9, 2006

Today Jena is 2 years old. Hard to believe that just two years ago, Roger and I left for the hospital at 3 am after a sleepless night. Then at 1:50pm a wiggly little baby named Jena Marie Williams was pulled into this world via a suction cup. Happy Birthday, Jena Bear!

Jena, March 9, 2007

Jena, 2008

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Women's History Month

March is Women's History Month. I am proud to say the US is leading the way, turning International Women History Week into a whole month. The rest of the world needs to catch up! So take a moment to celebrate the wonderful women in your life. I have included some links about the month and women.





I thought about posting about famous women in history this month, but you can google that. Instead I will post about women in my history, those who helped shape me (for better or worse) into the woman I as today. I'll start today with the two that have influenced me the most. One who has know me since before I was born and one I have never met.

The first, obviously, is my mom. She carried me for nine months and raised me and my brothers, almost all by herself. She took me to girl scouts, soccer and softball. She told me I could do anything if I tried. And while no one is perfect, she is the one who influenced me most growing up. She is the one who raised me to be independent and stubborn. So, Mom, you only have yourself to blame on that one! So, thanks, Mom!

The second is less obvious. She is Roger's mom, Jane. I never met her because she died when Roger was 13, four years before he met me. But her impact on my life is still very large. And while I did not know her, I know her heart. I know her four children and the adults that they have become. I know she had a kind heart, because her children do. It is what lead Roger to medicine. And I see it in David and Will when they interact with their nieces and nephew. I know what kind of mother she was, because I see how her daughter Julie is with her children and mine. So, thanks, Jane.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Girls!

We got together with some friends this weekend for a play group. Because Hannah, Alex and Jena all have birthdays coming up in the next week, Karen got them a cake so they could celebrate together. Happy Birthday Girls!

Country Doctor Museum

This weekend Roger had some time off this weekend so we decided to explore the area a bit. An hour from here we found the Country Doctor Museum dedicated to those who have worked in Rural medicine.

Antique Stethoscopes
Medical Instruments
Medicine Bottle Old Pharmacy