Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here we go again...

Hard to believe it has been three years since Katrina. I have been watching the news about Hurricane Gustav. It has hit the Gulf coast with a vengeance. Good thing we gassed up both cars today. As some of you know: Scott, my best friend since high school, lives in Louisiana now near the coast. He lives right in the current hurricane path. Not quite sure where he is, but Roger reminds me that he is a big boy and can take care of himself. Especially if he decided to stay and play chicken with the storm. So, Scott, hope you are having one heck of a party!

Update: Scott is safe in his parents' living room in Tenn watching the hurricane wipe out New Iberia where he lives.

2008, what a year and its not even over

We knew 4 years ago when Dick Chaney announced he would not seek the presidential nomination that this would be an exciting election. Never in our life time have both side of the ticket been wide open for all comers. And through the primary season we knew that history was about to be made, but we had no idea it would turn out to be this way.

I read somewhere that this week marked the anniversary of the MLK march on Washington/I had a dream speech AND the anniversary of Women getting the right to vote. And I can't think of a better way to celebrate and honor these important days then what happened this week.

Roger and I watched as Obama made history as the first black man nominated by a major party and gave his speech on the anniversary of Dr King's speech. And while we were Hillary supports, the significance of the moment was not lost on us.

We were both stunned at the news of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin being selected as McCain's running mate. Roger said McCain is trying to "Out Obama Obama." I think McCain's choice of a woman only proves what I have said all along, he is really a Democrat. So either way, I win. And what a great woman to chose, a working mother of 5, with the youngest being 4 months old! (Right now I feel slightly inadequate, I can barely manage a trip to the grocery store these days!)

So, no matter who you are, you can't deny the historic significance of this election and what it will mean. I think we win no matter what because it is a sign of what is to come and how we have changed. I have never been more proud.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More conversations with a 2 year old

Welcome to another installment of Conversations with a 2 year old. Since Lily has arrived we have had many funny and interesting conversations with Jena. She is very curious about everything Lily.

A few days after we came home from the hospital Jena asked where Lily's mommy was. I told her that I was Lily's mommy. She followed with the expected, No, you are my mommy. I explained that I was both of their mommy. She seemed to accept that in a guarded manner.

She is also obsessed with how Lily eats. Early on she asked if Lily wanted her food or drink. I explained that she is too little to eat those things. Now, she will tell to us that Lily is too little. One day Roger was burping Lily by patting her back. Jena said, "Daddy don't do that, Lily is too little."

The funniest thing she has said to date was one day when I was nursing Lily. Jena asked if I had any apple juice in there for Lily. When I said no, just milk, she said Lily wants apple juice. Too funny.

Monday, August 25, 2008


We had a few visitors recently. Roger's brother Will came to visit a few weekends ago. It was his first time seeing Lily and our house here in NC. The girls really liked seeing their Uncle Will.
My brother's wife Kayleigh also came to visit us. She and Ben are expecting their first baby in December. Jena and Lily can't wait to meet their newest cousin.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The new family photographer

Since we got a new camera that is easier to turn on, Jena has figured out how to take pictures! If she could just figure out not to hold her fingers in front of the lens she might actually be pretty good. If you can't tell, two of these pictures are of Roger sitting on the couch. I found Jena, in Lily's swing, taking pictures! And Roger was sitting on the couch, just watching! I asked why he didn't stop her, and he just responded "Why?" I will remind him of this when she breaks the swing and the camera. My next question was "What, no matches to give her too?" Dads....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One Month

Lily is one month old today. It is amazing how fast that month has gone. She is getting so big! She even has a little belly which Jena never had. Maybe she will fit her clothes better than our skinny Jena. Jena continues to be amazed by her little sister and tells everyone we see that Lily is her sister. Lily is still sleeping well, getting up twice at night to eat, but then she goes back to sleep. We will see how long that lasts. I don't have any new stats on her, she goes to the doctor again at 2 months, so I will update that then.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Is there a doctor in the house?

We found out today that Roger passed Step 3 of US Medical Licensing Exam. He is now finished with all the exams and, after we give the state of Georgia some more of our hard earned money, he will be a licensed doctor! It has been such a stressful and hectic summer that we are really glad to have this behind us. Now he just has to finish residency (22 months left) and pass the Family Medicine Boards, then it will all be over. No problem.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lily update

Lily has been doing well. At her 2 week check up, she had gain half a pound! She is already out of newborn clothes and diapers. We will see where she is at 2 months.

Here is Lily with her Lily! Lisa, one of Roger's teammates at work bought Lily this Leap Frog Lily. She sings the numbers up to 10.

Here she is doing what she does best, sleep. Ever Jena has figured out that all she does is eat, sleep and poop. Every time Lily cries, Jena says "Lily's poopy!"

Here she is having her after dinner nap!

Watching the Olympics

I was up late last night watching the Olympics, watching the Men's gymnastics team defy all odds and win the bronze. Some of you know that I hate NBC's sports commentators. Roger can tell you I mute Bob Costas on a regular basis. And I have never liked their coverage of gymnastics. They are often overly critical of the athletes. And last night was no different. The US was not favored for a medal because two of their top team members withdrew due to injury. So NBC did not even show the US until the 3rd round, before that it was all about China (who won the gold). Then something happened, the US men were actually putting up good routines. And after the 3rd round, were in the lead. There was even talk of a possible silver medal for them. And, I have to give NBC credit, instead of going back to swimming (both were happening live at the same time) they stayed with gymnastics. They showed all the US men's final rotations and that of the Germans, who were in 4th place. To me that is what it is all about, I don't always care about who wins. We often forget that they give 3 medals, not just one. So good for them, these six guys who were written off before they even started.

Jena has enjoyed watching too. She loves the swimming. In fact last night she stayed forever in the bath tub. She would splash around and say "I'm swimming!" To my surprise, she likes to watch diving. She jumps up and down every time they splash in the water. And she likes gymnastics and does her forward rolls all over the living room while we watch. I can't wait to see what she does for track and field! The Olympics have the Steeple chase, here at the Williams' house we have the Dog chase!

Friday, August 08, 2008


The Olympics started today and the girls and I watched the opening ceremonies. Roger had to work tonight, so he missed it. Jena is at an age where she is starting to understand things and really enjoyed watching the performances. She is also looking forward to watching swimming and gymnastics. She thinks it is really cool that the Olympics are in China this year because there is a show she watches about a little girl from China.
This is the first Olympics for both girls, and like so many things in their short lives, they do not understand the significance of this Olympics. And I know they won't remember watching it with me. But I will, and I will remember Jena's reactions to the things she sees. She is two, which is how old I was during the first Olympics of my time. I'm not sure if I watched it, coverage then was not what it is like today.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Lily's first (play)date

My friend Carol came over to visit on Tuesday and brought her boys Russell and Issac. Russell is a year older then Jena and Issac is 9 months older than Lily. While Russell and Jena ran all over the house (they would not stop for a picture) Carol and I hung out with the babies. Soon they will be running around with their siblings, but for now we could enjoy a little time with them.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Potty Training Update

Many of you have asked how the potty training is going. We are still plugging along, making okay progress with the occasionally set back. Hopefully we will have a break through soon.

Jena's First Hair Cut

I finally broke down and gave Jena her first hair cut. The heat and the tangles were doing a number on her ends, so I decided to give her a little trim. She didn't like it at first, but once she saw Daddy having his cut and it didn't hurt she was okay with it. Now she asks everyday to have her hair cut.