Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ketchup on everything, part 2

Some of you might remember this post from two years ago when I first talked about Jena putting ketchup on everything. Today, I laughed as it happened again. Today's lunch was Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Watermelon and Apple Sauce. And, of course, Ketchup. As we ate lunch I looked over to see Lily pick up a piece of watermelon and DIP IT IN KETCHUP! I didn't even bother to tell her to stop because I knew she wouldn't. So, I just laughed. Then Jena said, "Look! Ketchup and Applesauce!" As she dipped her nugget in ketchup, then applesauce. Pretty soon, there was ketchup mixed in with the applesauce and she was laughing. They ate all of it. Go figure, I guess it is genetic.

1 comment:

Critica said...

I know full grown people like that! (Myself included.) Ketchup is just an amazing condiment.