Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update on the girls

Today Lily is 22 months old. So hard to believe! I guess I better start planning a party. As you can see from the picture, we cut Jena's hair. It was all the way down her back, now it is shoulder length. She starting asking 2 months ago if I could cut it, but when I would actually get out the scissors out she would change her mind. Finally, two weeks ago we cut it. I can believe how grown up it makes her look.

The girls have been very busy with school, church and other activities. Jena continues in Gymnastics and Ballet. And now it looks like Lily will be able to as well. I was talking to Jena's dance teacher about finding a afternoon class she could attend since she will be in preschool 5 mornings a week this fall. And she told me two things. First, Jena could move up to a 4/5 year old class, that she felt she was ready. Second, she is starting a 2 year old class since so many of the girls in Jena's current class have little sisters. So, Lily will be starting dance in July when Jena moves up to her new class. In June, Lily will finally start gymnastics like she has wanted for awhile now. I was able to move Jena to a Friday class in a time slot that also has a Parent and Tot class. Lily has become very active while Jena is in class. She wants to go out on the floor and play. This way she will have something to do while Jena's in class.
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