It is a day that changed everything. How we live, feel and ever travel. Nearly 3000 people died that day. All while I was turn on my computer and getting something to drink. That's what I was doing that morning at work, like every other morning. I got to work at 8:30, went through my mail, turn on my computer and went to the kitchen to get water. On the way back, I stuck my head in Dayna's office to say hello. I turned to leave and her phone rang. A coworker home on maternity leave called to tell us she saw the plane fly in to the World Trade Center on Good Morning America. And just like that is all changed.
Since invading Afghanistan nearly 8 years ago, almost 800 soldiers have lost their lives. And contrary to public opinion, we do still have troops there. They have been there the whole time fighting, no we did not pull out of Afghanistan to go into Iraq. We have troops in both places. Since March 2003 when we invaded Iraq, over 4000 soldiers have lost their lives. And thousands have been injured in both places. Don't let the numbers fool you either. We have more than 2 1/2 the number of troops in Iraq as Afghanistan, so please don't think it is "safer" in Afghanistan because our loss is less there. It is dangerous in both places.
So, why such a bummer post? Because, just like that day 8 years ago, we go about our daily lives and don't think about all of this too much. So I am asking you to remember the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines that are over there and pray for them if you do that. And then remember their families and friends who are thinking about this everyday. And have some compassion for these people. Yes, they signed up for this for many reasons. But it is a very hard life to live.
Cara Menghilangkan Kecoa Dalam Mobil
10 months ago
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