Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Strange Questions

Anyone who has been pregnant know you are bound to get questions. "When are you do?" "Do you know what you are having?" "Are you ready yet?" But I have to say I have got some strange ones this go around. "Does it really hurt to have a baby?" In a word, YES! "Are you having twins?" I know I carry high and am bigger than other people who are at the same point in their pregnancy, but really, twins!?!? But I'd have to say my "favorite" has been "Is Roger disappointed that you are having another girl?" At first, this question was not strange to me. In the world I grew up in, the son was # 1. Roger, on the other hand, did not grow up in that world. He finds the whole thing strange. He wonders why it should matter, are boys that much different than girls? And he has a point. Every child is a blessing, so why in this century do we get that question? I guess we haven't come that far in 30 years.

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