Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Saturday, May 31, 2008

David Williams

Roger's Dad passed away this morning after a week in the ICU due to complications from Emphysema. While he has been struggling with the disease for awhile, this was sudden. For those of you that are interested the arrangements are as follows:

Viewing on June 1st in Valdosta, Ga at Music Funeral Services from 6-8 pm
Funeral, Graveside at Westover Cemetery in Augusta, GA at 2 pm on June 4th.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed their sympathies to us. I'm sorry that we have not responded to everyone yet, but we do greatly appreciate everyones' thoughts of us at this time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Progressing normally

I had my 32 week check up today and the doctor said we are good to go. This is especially good since we are going on an impromptu visit to Roger's parents in Valdosta. After the check up, we looked at the Stop Smoking booth at the hospital. They had bookmarks with a picture of a $100 bill to represent how much you could save per month if you don't smoke. Jena saw this and of course, being my child, said "Money." So Roger gave her one and she played with it all morning. When we went to the commissary afterwards, I got her some crackers. As always I told her she couldn't have any until we paid for them. So, she handed me her money and said "I pay!" She is too smart. When we got the front, she did it again with the cashier who thought that was so cute. Too bad they didn't take it for payment!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dinner and a Movie

On Thursday evening, Russell and Issac Barstow came over and stayed with Roger while I went to dinner with their mom Carol and some of the other wives from the residency program at Womack. Their dad was on call at the hospital. Roger did a great job taking care of the boys AND Jena. When we got back the kids were watch a Dora video and playing with the dog. Good job, Dad!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Best Friends

Over the last few months, Jena and Hershey have made real progress and have gotten comfortable with each other. Perhaps too comfortable. Hershey no longer jumps on Jena, but she has developed a taste for Jena's toys. And Jena has logged many hours in Time Out for offenses committed against Hershey, including hitting Hershey with the a fore mentioned toys and pulling her tail. But they have many sweet moments, like when Jena hugs and kisses Hershey and when Hershey licks Jena's face. They are inseparable. In the morning, I let Hershey out and feed her while Jena and I have breakfast. As soon as Jena is done eating she is at the back door saying "Hershey wants to come it!" And at nap time Hershey will sit and whine at Jena's door waiting for her to come out. They are so sweet!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Quarterlife Crisis? What will they think of next?

I was at a bookstore the other day while Jena was at school. While browsing the sale rack I came across a book called Quarterlife Crisis: The Unique Challenges of Life in Your Twenties. I had to laugh when I saw the title. Sure, my 20s were challenging. But, they were my 20s; I wouldn’t exactly say I was in crisis. The book talks about the challenges of transitioning from college to the work place. And basically, becoming an adult. All I could think is, Man if you think that is hard just wait. It gets harder. What I’d give to be in my 20s again. That was a great time. Not that my 30s are bad, just different. But thinking about saving for retirement, college funds, and the inevitable care for our parents is daunting. These are things that did not even cross my mind in my 20s. I guess it is true, youth is truly wasted on the young.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Strange Questions

Anyone who has been pregnant know you are bound to get questions. "When are you do?" "Do you know what you are having?" "Are you ready yet?" But I have to say I have got some strange ones this go around. "Does it really hurt to have a baby?" In a word, YES! "Are you having twins?" I know I carry high and am bigger than other people who are at the same point in their pregnancy, but really, twins!?!? But I'd have to say my "favorite" has been "Is Roger disappointed that you are having another girl?" At first, this question was not strange to me. In the world I grew up in, the son was # 1. Roger, on the other hand, did not grow up in that world. He finds the whole thing strange. He wonders why it should matter, are boys that much different than girls? And he has a point. Every child is a blessing, so why in this century do we get that question? I guess we haven't come that far in 30 years.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Resident Retreat

We went to Williamsburg, VA a few weeks ago for Roger's Intern class retreat. Here are the pictures from the trip.
College of William and Mary
Busch Gardens