Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Manhattan Parks and Rec held Microsoccer early this summer. It is a month long soccer camp for younger kids. Jena was on Team USA in her favorite color, blue. She loved every minute of it.

Lily want to wear her "soccer" shirt every day too. It is actually a Carolina Panthers shirt I bought back in NC at the end of football season. Close enough.

Action shot!

She got her very own soccer ball as part of the program.

It was very hot even at 7 pm. Hydration was key.

Traditional pose!

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Jena got "Most Spirit" the second week of camp. Spirit stuff for Team USA was easy in June. Just hit the dollar section at Target and buy everything, and we did! I was impressed with the other teams who came up with flags and hair ribbons in their colors. They really had to work at it.

Here is Jena with some of her team on the last day. Her coach was a local high school student, as were most of the coaches. She was great with the kids and Jena loved her. Jena loved soccer and can't wait to do it again next year.

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