We did get some snow again this year. Funny how we got less snow than Georgia this year.
The first snow came with freezing rain, so it was really are hard sheet snow. Our nice shaded driveway was frozen for two days.
Jena was excited to give the snow a try. I bought these snow pants at the
Hugs and Kisses Consignment Sale in the fall. I bought the set for the matching coat because blue is Jena's favorite color. But we did get to use them after all.
Our first attempt at snow angels. The snow was too frozen to really do an angel.
I built a tiny snow man.
Lily truly did not like the snow. She wouldn't even try to walk on it.
She did much better with Daddy carrying her.
Poor Hershey, she hates the snow too.
But we ending the morning with fresh baked cookies and hot cocoa.