Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

16 years ago two crazy kids ran off and got married. And now, here we are 16 years later a little older, a lot grayer, but still crazy. I mentioned to a friend the other day that today was our anniversary. She asked how long we had been married, I told her. Then she ask why we had gotten married so young (we were 19). I thought for a minute and then shrugged and said because we wanted to. No earth shattering reason other than we were two crazy kids in love who wanted to get married. And here we are 5 moves and 2 kids later. We have weathered the Army, College, Medical School and now the Army again. AND WE ARE STILL HERE! We don't know any great secrets to it all, just its a lot of hard work. But in the end its worth it because I get to spend everyday with the best friend I've ever had. So, Happy Anniversary, Honey! Here's to 60 more!

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