All packed and ready to go! We were very excited to have time after the wedding to site see in Vermont. It was everything we imagined, making for a perfect fall drive.
Creepy New England cemetery. We saw several of these on the trip.
We stopped in Manchester at a Farmer's Market and got some lunch.
Here are the Green Mountains we came to see. They were truly beautiful.
We stopped to see the summer house of Robert Todd Lincoln, President Lincoln's oldest son. It is okay I guess for a summer place.
This was a farm we found while driving through the countryside.
Our next stop was Bennington, Vt. Between Manchester and Bennington is the area covered in the Battle of Bennington.
The is the Old First Church. Robert Frost is buried here, but I'll post more on that later. This church dates back to the beginning of Vermont and the Green Mountain Boys.
A marker showing where Ethan Allen, founder of Vermont, lived in Bennington before the Revolutionary War.
This was a school house that Grandma Moses attended. It houses the largest collection of her paintings.
This statue of was the source of much amusement for Roger. If you've seen Patch Adams you will get the next part. If not, rent the movie. Roger started making jokes about what the statue was pointing at. "Where did you leave the beer?" "Where is the poker game?" and a few other inappropriate jokes. Jena, proving to be as quick witted as her father, came up with "Where are your pirate friends?" I guess she thought he looked like a pirate.
General John Stark was pointing here. The quote is "There are your enemies, the Red Coats and the Tories. They are ours, or this night Molly Stark sleeps a widow!"
Monument to the Green Mountain Boys.
We ended the day with dinner at the local Friendly's. The warm food and ice cream was a perfect end to the day.
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9 months ago
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