Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Long time no post!

Sorry its been awhile since I've posted. We have been very busy here. The girls are doing great and growing everyday. Here are a few pictures.

The Nelsons came over to our house for a change and we had a great day. The girls dressed up like princesses for the day.

Caden, always the knight in shining armor, here with our princess. Caden held his own as usual with all the girls. Thank goodness Jena has power tools and airplanes!

Here are the girls, getting ready for blast off from the play room. Jena has really been into astronauts and space since around her birthday. She commandeered this storage box and declared it was her space ship. Hey, for 6 bucks we have a space ship. Works for me!

Uncle Ben, Aunt Kayleigh and cousin Colton came to visit. We went to the zoo with them. Everyone had a good time.

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