Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Saturday, December 06, 2008

They understand more then we think

I mentioned a few posts ago that we bought clothes and toys for a local child for Christmas. I had talked with Jena about it but I wasn't sure she understood until tonight. When getting her ready for bed, I showed her two pairs of pajamas I bought (on sale) at the Disney store. Princesses and Pooh & Tigger. She wanted to wear the princesses and while we were putting them on she asked if the other ones were for the boy. I was confused at first what she meant, then I realized she was talking about the little boy we bought stuff for last night. I asked her if she wanted to give them to him and she said yes. They are the right size and are "boy" colors, so I figured they would be okay. She was very excited to put them in the bag with everything else we bought. I was surprised and very happy that she gets it. It is better to give then to receive.

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