Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Conversations with a 2 year old

I'm stealing an idea from Ken Jennings' Blog here. But, lately Jena has been saying some of the funniest things. I'm not sure why, but lately she has taken to calling Lemonade "Watermelon Juice". But the funniest thing was a recent conversation we had about our friends the Krebses moving. It went something like this:

Me "Jena, you know Alex is going to move away and not live here anymore."
Jena "Where is she going?"
Me "She and her family are moving to Georgia."
Jena "Gramma lives in Georgia."
Me "Yes, she does."
Jena "Alex is moving to Gramma's house! Yeah!"

I tried to explain they were moving to Savannah and Gramma lives in Augusta, but that did not sway her. She is convinced that Alex is now going to be living at Gramma's.

1 comment:

Colby Family said...

That is too cute! Can't wait to have those conversations with Noah!