Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Monday, October 06, 2008

Rewind to Denver

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Denver. The rest can be seen on our family pictures website.

Jena discovered a new thing on this trip, the Shirley Temple. Roger ordered some for her during the rehearsal dinner and reception. She thought it was fun to drink a "grown up" drink.

These are my cousins' daughters. Meghan on the left is my cousin Georgia's and Jordan on the right is my cousin Tanya's.

My cousin, Blythe, were her dad, my Uncle Bill.

My birthday was a few days after the wedding, so on Sunday they had a cake for me. I can't remember the last time I had a family birthday. Here I am with my uncle and grandma.

Me and my Johnston cousins, the ones that were present at least. 5 couldn't make it, including my little brother Ben who is still in Iraq.

Here is the whole family.

Four generations of Johnstons.

Here is Jena with Jordan, my cousin Tanya's daughter. Tanya and I are just six months apart in age. We always thought our kids would be the same age! Jordan is really good with the girls though and Jena adores her.

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