Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Lily!

It is hard to believe it, but Lily is now 3! Time sure does fly. We enjoyed a weekend in Kansas City with family and celebrated her birthday a little early. My aunt knew about a restaurant where your food comes on a train. That was just perfect for Lily. Happy Birthday, baby girl! Its been a wild ride!
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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Visitor from the west

We got a special visitor from the west! Our cousin Gabriel sent us his friend Flat Stanley in the mail for a visit. We had a great time showing him around Manhattan. We took him for a ride in Daddy's car.

We had dinner with him.

We took him to play on our swingset in the backyard.

He loved the slide!

Thanks for coming to visit us! We hope you had a good time and were able to share all of your adventures with Gabriel's class.
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Baby Birds!

We have a evergreen tree that seems to be a finch's paradise. Two separate birds built nests in this tree this summer. It is in the back of our house and they built them on the side facing our living room window. Roger saw the first one before he left and the girls and I watched those babies (above) hatch and grow. And then one day they flew away. Shortly after I noticed a bevy of activity in a spot above it. A new nest was being built. We have once again watched the babies hatch and grow. The girls ask everyday to see the baby birds. It has been amazing!
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We are off to see who?

It occurred to us half way through our trip the girls have never seen "The Wizard of Oz." We made quite a few references to the movie only to have them look at us very puzzled. We remedied that when we got here by checking out the movie from the library for them to watch. Then, we found my old copy of the book in our stuff and it made the trip to Texas with us. Roger read the book to us in the car. So now they have read the book and watched the movie.

Also, somewhere in the middle of Missouri, I started to sing "Kansas City Here I Come" Jena told me to stop, she didn't like the song. My poor children have not been raised right.