Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wagons, Ho! Head em up and move em out!

The Army hires movers to come and pack up our house in NC and take it to the house in KS. The girls loved the REALLY big roll of bubble wrap they brought.

The girls enjoyed the sunshine in the yard on last time.

Lots of Boxes!




It was pretty crazy!

The truck that took our stuff halfway across the country.

One last ride on the bikes before they were put on the truck.

By, Stuff! See you in Kansas!

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And you, Scarecrow, I think I will miss most of all.

Saying goodbye is never easy. It is really hard to leave such good friends, like the Grumbos.

And the Barstows. It seems like there can not be the Williams Girls without the Barstow Boys!
Thanks for coming over to celebrate our move! Carol and Jessica have been such amazing friends, and I will miss you most of all.

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

She's 5!

This year, Jena had a Dinosaur Birthday to celebrate turning 5!

Our guest decorated Dinosaur sun catchers.

Played with Jena's toys.

And hung out with the Birthday girl.

They were given Dino Bags.

Dino nuggets!

And Dino cake!
And brought lots of Dino gifts!

And princess ones too.

Happy girl!

Happy Birthday, Jena! And thanks to everyone who helped to make it special!
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