I came across this article written by my fellow medical wife, Kate. I thought it was a great article but was really surprised by the comments. It saddens me when people compare feeding your child the way God intended to going to the bathroom or having sex. I'm with Kate, I fed my girls everywhere. I wish I had been more comfortable early on with Jena, it would have saved me a lot of heart ache. But live and learn. So, I try to pass on good advice to my fellow nursing moms because I know that not everyone has someone to talk to about it. With me, I had my sister-in-law, Julie. She nursed 3 children before Jena came along. Since my mother did not breastfeed, and treated my doing so somewhat of an anomaly, I truly valued Julie's support.
Of course, not everyone shared my enthusiasm for it. Once, at a lunch with Roger's work, the Colonel's admin assistant made a comment when I was feeding Lily. Lily was crying and I said, "Oh, she is hungry." I then proceeded to pull out a BIG blanket to use as a cover. The woman then politely pointed out where the bathroom was, to which I replied, "We're fine here. But feel free to eat your lunch in there if you'd like." It was a large crowd and I think most people didn't even notice. So to the faint of heart out there, get over it. Babies are made to be breastfed! That is, after all, what breasts are for.
Cara Menghilangkan Kecoa Dalam Mobil
10 months ago