Raising two little girls in an ever changing world

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well, time got away from me last month and I didn't get Lily's 6 month pictures taken at Sears. I realized with Jena's birthday coming up I better take the girls in for another session. This one went really well. Jena had a lot of fun and was very cooperative this time around. So here they are the 7 month/3 year/early Easter pictures.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

7 months and a tooth!

Today Lily is seven months old! And this morning I saw that she has finally cut her first tooth. She is about 2 1/2 months ahead of Jena in this area but Jena cut two teeth at a time. So we will see how Lily does. She is definitely mobile now, rolling and scooting all over the place. We are working on the sitting up unassisted, still needs work. She is also eating up a storm and loves food. She eats food twice a day and nurses the rest of the time. And everybody says she is the happiest baby they have ever seen!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Go Red for Women's Heart Health

Sorry this post is late, it has been a crazy month for us. Last Friday was Go Red for Women's Heart Health, so I hope everyone wore red. All month long will be Go Red month, so take time to think about this important issue. Heart Disease is the NUMBER 1 killer of women, not cancer. But it has always been thought of as a man's disease. This was never more clear to me than a few years ago when my grandmother had a heart attack. It came completely out of the blue to everyone, coming almost 20 years after my grandfather's heart attack. She had initially went in because she thought she was having a heart attack. She had not had one but there was severe blockage and ended up having a bypass, CABG x5. Unfortunately, it did not take and a week later she had a heart attack. They could not do anything surgically because she had just had the bypass. It was a hard month for all of us. No one likes to wait and see. But we were lucky and my grandmother is still with us. So this month make a few changes in your life for heart health and remember to Go Red!